How does the audio and video recorder work?

Modificato il Ven, 12 Gen alle 7:41 AM

With the recorder app, you can create audio and/or video recordings quickly and easily. You can use it to create tutorials, record your own learning progress or create playbacks and loops that can be used in lessons. To use the recorder, open the apps in the studio or classroom and click on the recorder icon.

Create a recording

1. Choose between the following recording options:

Audio only

e.g. for the creation of playbacks for lessons

You can record your own microphone and other audio sources such as metronome, audio player or piano from your side.

Video & Audio

e.g. for the creation of explanatory videos or for posts on social media

You can record your own camera image and audio sources.


e.g. for documenting a lesson or for displaying the piano

In addition to your microphone and the audio signals from your side, you can record the entire doozzoo interface. This allows you to create videos in which you show how to use doozzoo functions. Or you can use the integrated piano, for example, to visualize your keystrokes.

2. Click on the record button to start recording.

3. You can pause the recording at any time by clicking on Pause and then resume it by clicking again.

4. Click on Stop to end the recording.

Then enter a name for your recording and click on "Save clip".

Selecting audio signals for recording

Under the selection for the type of recording, you can choose which microphone and which camera you would like to record. These settings cannot be changed during the recording.

In addition, all audio sources that you play in doozzoo are recorded. You can switch the recording on and off individually for each signal.

Open the mixer app.

You will see a button with the letter R on each audio track.

If this button is red, the signal is being recorded.

If the button is grayed out, the signal is not recorded in the recorder.

You can use this option to play to the audio player and record it, for example. For another recording, you may only want to use the metronome, but you can switch off the recording of the metronome so that it cannot be heard in the final audio file.

Edit recordings and load them into your media library

Click on "Edit recordings" to call up the list of your recordings.

Play recordings

You can listen to and watch recordings directly in the list by clicking on Play.

Shorten audio recordings

If you want to shorten your audio recording, you can first mark the desired area in the waveform by dragging with the mouse or your finger.

Then click on the shorten symbol:

This creates a new file at the top of the list that corresponds to the selected area.

Load recordings into your media library

Click on the cloud symbol to the right of a file to load it into your media library.

It will then appear in the "Recorder media" and "All media" lists.

If the cloud symbol is green, you have already loaded this recording into your media library.

You can share the recording and all other files with your students or coaches in the media library. You can find more information on this in this article: How to use the media library?

Pin recordings

Click on the box in front of the date of a recording to pin this recording to the top of the list.

Download recordings

Click on the download icon to download an audio recording.

To download a video, first click on the three-dot menu at the bottom right of the video image and then on "Download"

Delete recordings

Click on the recycle bin icon next to a file to delete it from the recording list.

If you have already uploaded a recording to the media library, it will still be available there.


For technical reasons, it is currently only possible to save a maximum of 10 recordings, each with a maximum length of 10 minutes, in the list of recordings. We therefore recommend that you load recordings directly into your media library and then delete them from the recordings list.

Note: The recorder app can only be used to record sources on your own site. If you would like to record yourself and your students, please use the "Lesson recording" function (only available with a PRO subscription). This function is not limited in the length of the recording. You can find more information here: How to use the HD Recording / Archiving function?

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