Pre-call Check

Modificato il Ven, 22 Set, 2023 alle 12:12 PM

In the Pre-call Check you adjust the most important settings before you enter the session. Here you can see an overview of all functions:

(1) Here you can see if your camera and microphone are currently on or off. With this setting you will also join the session. In the image below you can see a preview of your video image. When your video is off, this image is black.

(2) Turn your camera on and off.

(3) Turn your microphone on and off. Additionally, you can see if doozzoo is getting a signal from your microphone by looking at the blue level meter. If you are talking or playing and the blue area is moving, everything is fine. If you don't see any movement, make sure that your microphone is connected and that you have selected the correct device under section (5).

(4) Here you can see your currently selected camera. To select another camera, click on this button and select the desired camera in the menu that opens.

(5) Your currently selected microphone is displayed here. To select a different microphone, click this button and select the desired microphone in the menu that opens.

(6) Click here to play a test tone. This allows you to check that you have selected the correct audio output. If you don't hear the sound through your desired headphones or speakers, please select the desired audio device as output device in your system settings.

(7) If you are using any form of headphones (e.g. studio headphones, in-ear, Bluetooth headphones, headsets, etc.), select "Headphones" here. If you are using your device's speakers or studio monitors, for example, select "Speakers".

With this selection doozzoo knows which audio filters can be switched off to improve the sound experience. For best results, make sure everyone in the session is using headphones and has headphone mode enabled. When using headphones, doozzoo can turn off all filters and send your sound as untouched as possible.

(8) Click here to set additional advanced audio and video settings.

(9) When you have made all settings, the correct video image is displayed, the microphone icon shows a deflection when you speak, and the test sound is played through the desired headphones/speakers, click here to save the settings and go to the next step.

Advanced Settings:

(10) Choose between different resolutions and aspect ratios for your video. A lower resolution generates less data stream and can therefore improve stability if your internet connection is a bit slower.

(11) Toggle whether you want to see your video mirrored or not. This change is only visible for you, not for the other participants of the session.

(12) Here you can set whether your own signal that you send to doozzoo should be sent in stereo or mono.  If you use only one microphone, leave this setting at 'Mono'. Likewise if you have a microphone and another source connected directly to your interface. If you are using a (USB) mixer, you can usually select 'Stereo' here.

(13) Here you set the bit rate at which your own audio signal is transmitted. A higher rate offers a better resolution. A lower rate reduces the amount of data that is transmitted and can therefore improve stability if your internet connection is slow, without noticeably degrading the quality of your audio signal.

(14) When you have made all the settings as desired, click here to return to the previous page.

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