How to use the media library?

Modificato il Ven, 22 Set, 2023 alle 11:43 AM

The Media Library is where you store and manage your teaching materials such as PDFs, audio files, videos, and images. From here, you can share all files with others or open them directly. You can access the media library in your dashboard via "Media Library" or in the studio and within a session via the "Media Library" icon.

Default folders

All Media - All your own files can be found here.
Workshop Room Media - This folder and all the files you've added here will be visible to all participants during online classes in your room. They will find this folder when they open their media library.
Recordings - This folder contains all the recordings you made during an entire lesson.
Shared with me - All files that a student or coach has shared with you will be displayed here.
Recorder Media - Here you'll find an overview of all the files you've created with the Recorder app and uploaded to your library.

Own folders

In addition to the standard folders you can add your own folders. (max. 10 in the GO subscription, max. 20 in the PRO subscription and as a coach of an institution)

To do this, enter a name in this field and click on the plus on the right.

To add files to a folder or remove them from it, drag them over the desired folder name. At each file you can see the names of the folders where you can find this file.

In this example, the "New Song" PDF is located in the "Piano" and "Easy pieces" folders.

Note: Even if you delete files from a folder, they remain and can be found in "All Media". Only when you delete the file via the trash icon on the right side, it is irrevocably deleted.

Open files

Click on this icon to open files directly in doozzoo.

During class you can make open files visible to all other participants and control them remotely. You can read more about how this works here:

PDF window

Audio player

Share files

Click on this icon next to a file.

A list of students and/or coaches connected to you will open. You can search for a specific name using the search field.

If you check the box next to a name, this user will find the file in the folder "Shared with me".


Using the filter menus you can

1. search for single files

2. sort files alphabetically, by age or size

3. Filter by content types, like audio, videos, PDFs

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