How to prevent the infinite screenshare "million mirror" effect?

Modificato il Ven, 22 Set, 2023 alle 12:11 PM

The so-called "Million mirror" effect can occur, but is actually not a bug in the software.


The effect occurs when you share the screen or a window while doozzoo itself is open and you show the "split video" itself in a large display in doozzoo. This leads to the infinity effect, because you share the screen, which shares the screen, which shares the screen, and so on.


The effect is disappears, if the user, who is doing the sharing, minimizes the video image that shows the shared content ("screenshare"). To do this, he must change the view (top left in doozzoo) and/or click on another video image to enlarge it and show it instead of the "screenshare". That are 1-2 clicks. Then the endless loop is interrupted or minimized.

By the way, this can also occur with other video conferencing programs. However, we are working on preventing this problem to a large extent in advance.

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