Is it possible to play music/ jam in real-time using doozzoo?

Modificato il Mar, 21 Nov, 2023 alle 4:57 PM

At this point, it's not easily possible for two musicians to play together over the internet without experiencing latency. Simply put, it just takes too much time for data to travel back and forth through the internet to make that work - doozzoo can't solve that problem either, unfortunately, and the dependencies on existing poor Internet connections and inadequate audio equipment do not allow real-time experience in the ordinary reality. And remember: Lightspeed is the limit. It will never be possible to have a live session with a musician e.g. one in Europe with one in America.

We offer a different solution to the problem:

We have developed a specialized "local latency compensation"- tool for doozzoo. This means you or your doozzoo-partner can perform to our metronome or a playback track from our media library, and the music is synced on both sides. All you have to do is flip the "play direction switch" to let the system know if you want it to compensate for latency locally on your or your student's side. The switch clearly indicates "you play - student listens" or vice versa, so it's effortless to use.

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