Windows 10 Setup and Sound Improvements

Modificato il Gio, 14 Dic, 2023 alle 3:59 PM

Windows 10 uses echo cancellation, autogain and other audio enhancement tools built into the operating system.

However, these often have a negative impact on the behavior when used in music lessons with doozzoo. These Windows internal settings lead to ducking effects and may prevent the playback of internal sounds like metronomes and audio players in doozzoo.

In the attached screenshots you can see the settings in Windows 10

(Note: Unfortunately these settings are not available in Windows 10 Home)

1. right click > toolbar > sound icon >

2. the control panel 'Sound' opens and then click on 'Sound Control Panel'.


3. select "Do nothing" under Communication.

4. recording > microphone > properties > enhancements > disable all sound effects.

HINT: There are different Windows versions with various window content:

Version 1

Version 2

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